December, 2014 - - Page 2

Month: December 2014

  • Dodging a bullet

    I was quite surprised today to wake up without a hangover. Quite how I dodged that bullet, when I’d been mixing drinks like a madman all last night, was beyond me. Or maybe I hadn’t sobered up. Still, it was a hard morning. We went up to Ronin for breakfast, and their usually superlative scrambled […]

  • Surprise party

    “Stay!” the owner, a man stuffed into a shirt and bow tie cried, handing us more shot glasses to down. We drank, then fled. It had been a boozy day; first in the afternoon, visiting my old college friend, Astrid, and placidly drinking beer while her girls played with La Serpiente Aquatica Negra. Then, after […]

  • A series of barely connected events

    Last night I couldn’t sleep properly and it was 1:30 before I got off. As usual, my daughter was merciless and came to wake me from the sofa at 7am, then demanded to be carried to the office rather than ride in her stroller. As she’s now over twelve kilos, that’s quite a weight to […]

  • More toilet conundrums

    In the toilet on the ground floor of the office building where I work, there’s this sign. It’s worrying that such a sign is necessary; do people really need to be told not to stick paper towels into urinals? And what sort of education provides somebody with the literacy to read this sign, but fails […]

  • Not according to plan

    This evening I went running with a friend around Marina Bay. Both of us are coming back from illnesses so we didn’t plan on going too hard. Which is why it’s strange that we went out at such a savage clip, doing the first couple of kilometers at close to track speed, after which I […]

  • Lizards and little sleep

    This evening I came home a bit late, to find my daughter terribly excited about something outside the front door. She yelled and gibbered at me and looked rather concerned, until I picked her up. Then she started pointing out the window instead.

  • Back in the saddle

    After two and a half weeks away, tonight I went back to 7Cycle for another spin class. This time, wearing a pair of shorts with an embarrassing hole gradually growing near my crotch. I was worried that at some point people would think I’d only gone to the class to flash the people around me.

  • Repairs

    It’s strange how quickly you get accustomed to things. After my wife dropped the family iPad and the screen shattered, we carried on using our ghetto tablet, but it was only today, after we paid a repair shop in a local mall and got the glass replaced, that I realized how nice it is to […]

  • Not easy like Sunday morning

    I woke up before my alarm went off this morning, drank a pint of water and then rushed out on my bike to get to the East Coast Park. This was the first time I’d been able to get any exercise in two and a half weeks, and I was worried about having lost all […]

  • Nighty night

    Our child is sleeping quite reliably now, from eight in the evening till at least two in the morning, a decent stretch of time that lets her parents get a solid block of sleep in. Unfortunately, this is prefaced by half an hour of shrieking complaints, as the child that was so cute and cheerful […]